[Paraview] Plot Maximum Value over Time

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Tue Jul 12 12:16:57 EDT 2011

The following is inelegant, but should work.  First, run the "Descriptive
Statistics" filter on whatever data you want to plot the maximum.  From
your description, it sounds like it would be the output of an extract
selection filter.  In the object inspector, select only the variable you
are interested in (in your case speed).

The descriptive statistics filter has two outputs, the "Statistical Model"
and the "Assessed Data." You are interested in the Statistical Model.
When you apply the descriptive statistics filter, ParaView will add two
spreadsheet views, one if which is showing the statistical model.  It
should show a table with one row that describes the name of your variable
and the statistics computed from it (maximum being one of them).  Click
that row to select it.

With that row selected, create a "Plot Selection Over Time" filter.  In
the resulting plot, turn off all series except "Maximum".

Note that in the future we hope to integrate these descriptive statistics
with the "Find Data" dialog so that you can just directly select the
maximum value and plot that selection.


   ****      Kenneth Moreland
    ***      Sandia National Laboratories
*** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
**  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
    ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel

On 7/12/11 8:16 AM, "Jeffrey Martin" <Jeffrey.L.Martin at Colorado.EDU> wrote:

>Hi, I was wondering if you could give me some advice:
>I extracted some points from a clip plane with the extract data selection
>and we want to plot the maximum value (speed in this case) of these
>points over 
>The extract data selection filter shows the upper and lower bounds, but
>we just 
>need a way to plot the upper bound (i.e. maximum) over time.  I've looked
>at spreadsheet view, but can't seem to get a definite answer.  Do you
>know how 
>to do this?
>Thank you
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