[Paraview] Weird boost error during ccmake

Marcus D. Hanwell marcus.hanwell at kitware.com
Mon Jul 11 15:44:51 EDT 2011

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 10:02 PM, Cook, Rich <cook47 at llnl.gov> wrote:
> I got this error.  I hope it's obvious why I think it's weird.  I'm building against boost 1.46.  Or thought I was.  This message seems to imply it's looking at the system boost in /usr/include/boost
>  Your system is using an outdated version of Boost (1.33.1, found in
>  /nfs/tmp2/rcook/ParaView/3.10/build/boost_1_46_1).  Some of the graph
>  processing filters require version 1.36.0 or later to build on 64-bit
>  platforms.
You might want to double check the version.hpp file in
/nfs/tmp2/rcook/ParaView/3.10/build/boost_1_46_1/boost to ensure it is
setting the correct version number, as the Boost find module uses that
file to compute the version. I have,

#define BOOST_VERSION 104601

The parts of the version number are extracted from this line. If you
want to send me the CMakeCache.txt off-list I can take a look for any
peculiarities, but the file is processed from the Boost_INCLUDE_DIR
variable that is sent as part of the error message.


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