[Paraview] Histogram Question

Ari Adland adland.a at neu.edu
Wed Jul 6 01:18:14 EDT 2011

I apologize in advance if the answer to this question is obvious, but I
wasn't able to find the answer in any forums on the web.

I have imported a time series of data structured points vtk files into
paraview.  I wish to make a movie of a histogram of the data in time.
 However, there is a subset of points that I wish to exclude.  These points
have a value of lets say, -10, while all other points are in the data range

I can't figure out how to exclude these points from the histogram.  Setting
a custom bin range (0-45) just seems to bundle all of the points that are
less then 0 into the bin centered near 0.  I can eventually eliminate them
from the plot if I change the x axis range to 5-45, but then I am losing
some valuable data.

Is this possible in paraview?


Ari Adland
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