[Paraview] [Xdmf] unexpected usage of ghost sets for geometry and topology with XDMF reader

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Jul 5 16:31:28 EDT 2011


Do you any additional info about the patches that you are referring
to? Did they make it into Xdmf repo, but just haven't made it into
ParaView yet?


On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Chris Kees <cekees at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using XDMF for storing results of parallel unstructured finite
> element computations. I worked with some of the developers for the
> XDMF reader on getting proper display of the overlapping (ghost)
> entities a while back, but it doesn't seem like those changes were
> really merged into the trunk. Paraview 3.10 still doesn't appear to
> eliminate duplicate points and cells quite the way I would expect it
> to. Is there anybody still working on that functionality that could
> help me get some changes permanently made to paraview? I can supply
> data sets of various complexity (quad,tri,hex,tet, (bi-)quadratic,
> dynamic, etc) in a dropbox folder and am am willing to change the way
> we're organizing the information in XDMF (though if my memory serves,
> we had a patched paraview that worked fine with our current
> representation).
> Thanks,
> Chris
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