[Paraview] object inspector

papa ndéné NDIAYE pnwireframe at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 10:26:13 EDT 2011

putting: p->findChild<pqObjectInspectorWidget *>();
to find an object that can be cast to pqObjectInspectorWidget returns a NULL

2011/7/4 papa ndéné NDIAYE <pnwireframe at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm adding a toolbar to paraview tha add some filters to the pipeline
> and i'm searching for a way to have auto-apply just for my buttons.
> what I actually want to do is fom my onAction() slot:
> QObject* p=this->parent();
> QWidget *objectinspector = p->findChild<QWidget *>("[name] ");
> so that I cant call it's apply() slot.
> does anybody know if the object inspector widget is a child or a
> descendant?
> and what value should I give to [name] to get it?
> thanks in advance
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