[Paraview] stream lines

Stephen Wornom stephen.wornom at inria.fr
Mon Jul 4 03:35:43 EDT 2011

Florian wrote:
> Hello,
> i wanted to plot some streamlines from unsorted point-data. Maybe my
> filter-pipline is interesting for other users. If desired I or somebody
> else can add it to the wiki (http://paraview.org/Wiki/Custom_Filters ).
> So my pipeline:
> I read my point data with the h5part-plugin-reader. Then I use the
> calculator to create a vector. Next I use the delauny-filter to create
> an unstructured grid from my unsorted point data. And at last i use the
> stream-tracer.
> regards
> flo
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Very interesting, I will try it.
Many thanks,

stephen.wornom at inria.fr
2004 route des lucioles - BP93
Sophia Antipolis
06902 CEDEX
Tel: 04 92 38 50 54
Fax: 04 97 15 53 51

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