[Paraview] Paraview

Gerard Droege gdroege at lpl.arizona.edu
Wed Jan 26 18:21:52 EST 2011

Would anyone have any knowledge of how to control the frame rendering 
rate when saving an animation?    I notice that if I make an animation 
at 5  - 10 fps, the resulting avi file looks perfect.   However, if I 
use the same animation sequence and render at 20 - 30 fps, the resulting 
avi file has many holes and greyed out areas in the frames beginning 
about half way through the animation.

I'm wondering if it is possible for the frame rendering to get far 
enough ahead of the IO writing to disk such that frame information can 
be lost?    If the buffer that is holding the frames renders fills up,  
wouldnt it wait for IO writing to disk to catch up first?


Lunar and Planetary Lab
Tucson AZ

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