[Paraview] ParaView 3.8.1 and HDF5

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Mon Jan 10 08:29:34 EST 2011


The HDF5 you are using is our 'modified' one which supports external VFD compilation (such as the H5FDdsm code). paraview works fine with it, but the Xdmf that comes with paraview by default won't compile against it.

Our instructions/documentation so far are not very complete but we are working on it. We have a couple of deadlines to meet over the next couple of weeks so can't really help you out right now, but once we get the full docs written up, we will make sure you are cc'd.

To cut a long story short, we have our own paraview, with a modified Xdmf, git://git.cscs.ch/ParaView.git - submodules are different from the kitware versions for Xdmf, hdf etc. You may have more luck using the 'cscs-release' branch from there (it's a bit old, but was tested by 3rd parties and worked).

In a couple of weeks we ought to have things stable enough to update all the wikis etc (and branches) with the correct info for building and testing


-----Original Message-----
From: paraview-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Nathalie.Rauschmayr at dlr.de
Sent: 07 January 2011 15:13
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [Paraview] ParaView 3.8.1 and HDF5


I've installed a HDF5 version on my system and I've tried to compile ParaView 3.8.1 with this version.
I used the CMAKE flag "PARAVIEW_USE_SYSTEM_HDF5" therefore. I always get the following error:

ParaView/Utilities/Xdmf2/libsrc/XdmfH5Driver.cxx:189: error: braces around scalar initializer for type 'herr_t (*)(H5FD_t*, unsigned char*, hbool_t)'

The HDF5 version, which I use, is a modified version, which is described in this site:

What's going wrong with the installation of ParaView?

best regards,


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