[Paraview] problems using parallel paraview in client/server mode

Natalie Happenhofer nataliehapp at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 25 04:24:37 EST 2011

Dear all,

I'm encountering problems using Paraview in Client/Server Mode. I'm using ParaView 3.8.0-RC2, the remote system where the pvserver is started, is Gentoo Linux 4.4.3 and the client is started on my local Windows XP. 

The connection is established without problems and I have access to the remote directories. 
My data is stored in the Xdmf-Data format, so one file contains the grid and one or more attribute data associated with it. Opening the file and viewing the first variable is no problem, but changing to another set of attribute data leads to the Error

Warning: In ..\..\..\src\Servers\Filters\vtkTexturePainter.cxx, line 173
vtkTexturePainter (06F2A2B0): Failed to locate selected scalars. Will use image scalars by default.

and whereas the information about the data range is correct, the image is just one color and definitly not correct. 

It seems to be a parallelization problem, since starting the pvserver on just one node and connecting, I encounter no such problems. 

I've tried to connect with ParaView 3.8.1,, but starting the 3.8.1 pvserver, I get the error  

./pvserver: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/qt4/libQtWebKit.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN15QGraphicsObject16staticMetaObjectE

Is that saying I need to update my Qt? Im using Qt version 4.6.2. 

Thanks for helping,
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