[Paraview] building Xdmf2 submodule as a standalone library

Dr. X xunlei at renci.org
Thu Feb 24 14:12:30 EST 2011

Can I build Xdmf2 as a standalone library without building ParaView instead?
I tried to configure Xdmf2 (git source under Utilities/Xdmf2) and 
encountered these CMake errors

    CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
       No cmake_minimum_required command is present.  A line of code such as

         cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

       should be added at the top of the file.  The version specified
    may be lower
       if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project. 
    For more
       information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000".
    This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

    CMake Error: An attempt was made to access a variable:
    CMAKE_SIZEOF_INT that has not been defined. Some variables were
    always defined by CMake in versions prior to 1.6. To fix this you
    might need to set the cache value of CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY
    to 1.4 or less. If you are writing a CMakeList file, (or have
    already set CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATABILITY to 1.4 or less) then you
    probably need to include a CMake module to test for the feature this
    variable defines.
    CMake Error at Ice/CMakeLists.txt:50 (MESSAGE):
       Can't Find a 32 Bit Float

    CMake Error at Ice/CMakeLists.txt:57 (MESSAGE):
       Can't Find a 64 Bit Float

    CMake Error at Ice/CMakeLists.txt:72 (MESSAGE):
       Can't Find a 32 Bit Integer

    CMake Error: An attempt was made to access a variable:
    CMAKE_WORDS_BIGENDIAN that has not been defined. Some variables were
    always defined by CMake in versions prior to 1.6. To fix this you
    might need to set the cache value of CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY
    to 1.4 or less. If you are writing a CMakeList file, (or have
    already set CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATABILITY to 1.4 or less) then you
    probably need to include a CMake module to test for the feature this
    variable defines.
    CMake Error: An attempt was made to access a variable:
    CMAKE_SIZEOF_INT that has not been defined. Some variables were
    always defined by CMake in versions prior to 1.6. To fix this you
    might need to set the cache value of CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY
    to 1.4 or less. If you are writing a CMakeList file, (or have
    already set CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATABILITY to 1.4 or less) then you
    probably need to include a CMake module to test for the feature this
    variable defines.
    CMake Error at libsrc/CMakeLists.txt:327 (MESSAGE):
       Can't Find a 32 Bit Float

    CMake Error at libsrc/CMakeLists.txt:334 (MESSAGE):
       Can't Find a 64 Bit Float

    CMake Error at libsrc/CMakeLists.txt:349 (MESSAGE):
       Can't Find a 32 Bit Integer

    CMake Error: An attempt was made to access a variable:
    CMAKE_WORDS_BIGENDIAN that has not been defined. Some variables were
    always defined by CMake in versions prior to 1.6. To fix this you
    might need to set the cache value of CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY
    to 1.4 or less. If you are writing a CMakeList file, (or have
    already set CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATABILITY to 1.4 or less) then you
    probably need to include a CMake module to test for the feature this
    variable defines.
    CMake Error at vtk/CMakeLists.txt:89 (INCLUDE):
       include could not find load file:


    CMake Error at vtk/CMakeLists.txt:90 (VTK_EXPORT_KIT):
       Unknown CMake command "VTK_EXPORT_KIT".

    Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

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