[Paraview] Number of digits at File -> Save Data

Andreas Herwig andreas.herwig at tu-dresden.de
Tue Feb 22 04:30:04 EST 2011



I'm using Paraview 3.8.1 64bit on an openSuse 11.3 system. When calculation an integral value of one of the patches by using the "Integrate Variables" filter I am able to increase the number of displayed digits by modifying the precision entry in the filter window as described in 




But this does not affect the number of digits in the *.csv file created by File->Save Data. Here are only six non zero digits written. Is there any possibility to increase the number of digits, maybe by a modification of the source code? 


I need to save a higher number of digits than six to evaluate the fluctuation of an integrated pressure value. As the fluctuation is small compared to the absolute value most of the digits does never change. The fluctuation is only indicated by one digit. I know there is a work-around by using the calculator to subtract the not changing offset, but I would prefer a straight foreword solution by  increasing the number of digits written by File->Save Data.


Thank you very much for an advice!


Andreas Herwig


Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Herwig

Technische Universität Dresden

Institut für Energietechnik

Professur für Gebäudeenergietechnik und Wärmeversorgung

Tel.:          + 49 - 351 - 463 32971

e-mail:      Andreas.Herwig at tu-dresden.de <mailto:Alf.Perschk at tu-dresden.deBriefpost> 

Briefpost <mailto:Alf.Perschk at tu-dresden.deBriefpost> :  TU Dresden, D-01062 Dresden

Besucher: Merkel-Bau, D-01069 Dresden, Helmholtzstr. 14, Zi. 101


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