[Paraview] build ParaView git on Windows7 64bit + MSVC2010 with vtkPythonCore errors

Xunlei Wu xunlei at renci.org
Tue Feb 15 17:05:24 EST 2011

Hi Dave and All,
I got some progress in terms of building vtkPythonCore. I had Enthought's Python distribution ver 7.0.1 !!!64bit!!! initially. I have verified it is indeed a 64bit Python executable. The package comes with python27.lib and CMake did not blink and automatically set PYTHON_LIBRARY to that lib. However, during building, MSVC2010 kept reporting "python27.lib" cannot be found.
Now, the fun part, I uninstalled Enthought distribution and tried "Python 2.7.1 Windows X86-64 Installer" from
This time, MSVC2010 no longer complained about missing "python27.lib". I am left with errors like

Error    1          error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn            C:\ParaViewGit_VS2010\VTK\Wrapping\Python\vtkPythonUtil.obj           vtkPythonCore

After a bit digging, the error has something to do std::vector. Here are the beginning lines of vtkPythonUtil.cxx

#include "vtkPythonUtil.h"
#include "vtkPythonOverload.h"

#include "vtkSystemIncludes.h"

#include "vtkObject.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointerBase.h"
#include "vtkWeakPointerBase.h"
#include "vtkVariant.h"
#include "vtkStdString.h"
#include "vtkUnicodeString.h"
#include "vtkWindows.h"
#include "vtkToolkits.h"

#include <vtksys/ios/sstream>
#include <vtkstd/map>
#include <vtkstd/vector>
#include <vtkstd/string>
#include <vtkstd/utility>

After I move "#include <vtkstd/vector>" to the top of the file, POW! vtkPythonCore is successfully built. So I guess #include <vector> in vtkstd/vector.h gets undefined somewhere by those headers listed before it. Not sure whether it is a bug for other people.


From: paraview-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Xunlei Wu
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 7:31 PM
To: David Partyka
Cc: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] build ParaView git on Windows7 64bit + MSVC2010 with vtkPythonCore errors

Hi David,
I am out of luck.
Just did a fresh CMake configure with PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON on and the same PYTHON_LIBRARY value. The errors from MSVC2010. Any other suggestions?

From: David Partyka [mailto:david.partyka at kitware.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 4:33 PM
To: Xunlei Wu
Cc: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] build ParaView git on Windows7 64bit + MSVC2010 with vtkPythonCore errors

Hi Xunlei,

What do you have the PYTHON_LIBRARY cmake option set to? If you set that correctly then it should be able to link properly. For example this is what it is set to on my machine.


On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Xunlei Wu <xunlei at renci.org<mailto:xunlei at renci.org>> wrote:
I am building Paraview from git source on a Windows7 64bit OS with MSVC2010. I have enabled
PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON and VTKMY_WRAP_PYTHON in my CMake. I also built Python 2.7.1 64bit from source so that I have both python27.lib and python27_d.lib available. However the core python related projects are failed to build in both Debug and Release builds. Then the effects just trickled down like crazy. Below are 3 major errors in Debug build I feel might be the primary errors. And I do link python27_d.lib for all of them. Please see the attached CMakeLists.txt for more details.

Error      6              error LNK1104: cannot open file 'python27.lib'                C:\ParaViewGit\Utilities\VTKPythonWrapping\Executable\LINK               vtkPVPythonInterpretor
Error      5              error LNK1104: cannot open file 'python27.lib'    C:\ParaViewGit\VTK\Wrapping\Python\LINK                vtkPythonCore
Error      3              error LNK1104: cannot open file 'python27.lib'    C:\ParaViewGit\VTK\Wrapping\LINK      vtkWrapPython

Would you please help me? Thanks a lot.


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