[Paraview] Polyvertex Topology

Dan Lussier dtlussier at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 13:38:57 EST 2011

Hi Matthias,

Try changing your Topology tag to:

<Topology TopologyType="Polyvertex" NumberOfElements="2">

The NumberOfElements property corresponds to the number of points or  
particles you have in your system for a Polyvertex type file.

This shouldn't be (but seems to often be) confused with the Dimension  
property of the DataItem for the Geometry.

The best way to think about it from my experience is that the  
NumberOfElements is a grid topology specific item, so it should be  
related to the grid itself (i.e. you're grid is just 2 particle).   
This is in contrast to the Dimensions property of the Geometry, which  
is related to the underlying data (which in this case is Dimensions="2  
3" because you are using <Geometry Type="XYZ>).  Dimension  is a  
general property of any underlying data (i.e. Geomety or any scalar/ 
vector/tensor, etc.) and is uniquely determined by the nature of the  
underlying data rather than the way you intend on representing it on  
the grid.

Also, when you get a crash - it can be handy to check the log files to  
see what went wrong.  On OS X (sorry I don't know about other systems)  
you can access all the logs (Paraview logs, as well as the overall  
system logs) in the Console.  I've found this useful when I cause PV  
to crash with a bad XDMF file as otherwise you don't get much  
information because the application crashes so fast it is impossible  
to read the error message that pops up.


On 14-Feb-11, at 9:56 PM, Matthias Kaczorowski wrote:

> I'm trying to visualize some particles in a fluid flow using xdmf  
> (loading an
> HDF5 file). From the info in the mail archives I tried to generate a  
> simple
> example using Polyvertexes. However, this simple example file causes  
> ParaView to
> crash.
> I guess, I haven't fully understood the use of the Polyvertex  
> topology. Thanks
> for any advice,
> Matthias
> <?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
> <Xdmf xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude" Version="2.2">
>  <Domain>
>    <Grid Name="Points" Type="Uniform">
>        <Topology TopologyType="Polyvertex" NumberOfElements="1">
>        </Topology>
>        <Geometry Type="XYZ">
>     <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions="2 3">
>        0.0 0.0 0.0
>        1.0 1.0 1.0
>     </DataItem>
>       </Geometry>
>    </Grid>
>  </Domain>
> </Xdmf>
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