[Paraview] Show Widget in CompoundSourceProxy

Christoffer Green christoffer.green at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 03:49:20 EST 2011


Thank you for your response it has helped me make the xml file shorter since
I don't need to copy the PlaneSource to add a widget to it. Exposing the
needed properties in the CompoundSourceProxy worked well but I cannot get
the widget hints to work, whenever I add the hints section to
the CompoundSourceProxy ParaView crashes when applying the filter to a
volume. Do you know if I am doing things correctly?

I am using 32bit ParaView (3.8.1 and 3.10 rc1) on Windows 7

Here is the xml again (somewhat shorter this time):
  <ProxyGroup name="filters">
    <!-- Probe Filter -->
    <SourceProxy name="Probe Filter" class="vtkCompositeDataProbeFilter">
       <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
         <Group name="sources"/>
         <Group name="filters"/>
       <DataTypeDomain name="input_type" composite_data_supported="1">
         <DataType value="vtkDataObject"/>

        <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
          <Group name="sources"/>
          <Group name="filters"/>
        <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
          <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>

   <!-- Compound Source -->
   <CompoundSourceProxy id="3316" servers="1" name="ProbePlane">

      <!-- Instance of Calculator so we can get the magnitude of the volume
data source for the probe filter-->
      <Proxy group="filters" type="Calculator" id="2154" servers="1"
        <Property name="AttributeMode" id="2154.AttributeMode"
          <Element index="0" value="1"/>
          <Domain name="enum" id="2154.AttributeMode.enum">
            <Entry value="1" text="point_data"/>
            <Entry value="2" text="cell_data"/>
            <Entry value="5" text="field_data"/>
        <Property name="CoordinateResults" id="2154.CoordinateResults"
          <Element index="0" value="0"/>
          <Domain name="bool" id="2154.CoordinateResults.bool"/>
        <Property name="Function" id="2154.Function" number_of_elements="1">
          <Element index="0" value="V_3D_01_X^2+V_3D_01_Y^2+V_3D_01_Z^2"/>
        <Property name="Input" id="2154.Input" number_of_elements="1">
          <Domain name="groups" id="2154.Input.groups">
            <Group value="sources"/>
            <Group value="filters"/>
          <Domain name="input_type" id="2154.Input.input_type">
            <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>
        <Property name="ReplaceInvalidValues" id="2154.ReplaceInvalidValues"
          <Element index="0" value="1"/>
          <Domain name="bool" id="2154.ReplaceInvalidValues.bool"/>
        <Property name="ReplacementValue" id="2154.ReplacementValue"
          <Element index="0" value="0"/>
          <Domain name="range" id="2154.ReplacementValue.range"/>
        <Property name="ResultArrayName" id="2154.ResultArrayName"
          <Element index="0" value="Result"/>

      <!-- instance of PlaneSource; used for visualizing the probe filter-->
      <Proxy group="sources" type="PlaneSource" id="2453" servers="1"

      <!-- instance of Probe Filter -->
      <Proxy group="filters" type="Probe Filter" id="2867" servers="1"
        <Property name="Input" id="2867.Input" number_of_elements="1">
          <Proxy value="2453" output_port="0"/>
          <Domain name="groups" id="2867.Input.groups">
            <Group value="sources"/>
            <Group value="filters"/>
          <Domain name="input_type" id="2867.Input.input_type">
            <DataType value="vtkDataObject"/>
        <Property name="Source" id="2867.Source" number_of_elements="1">
          <Proxy value="2154" output_port="0"/>
          <Domain name="groups" id="2867.Source.groups">
            <Group value="sources"/>
            <Group value="filters"/>
          <Domain name="input_type" id="2867.Source.input_type">
            <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>
        <Property name="Input" proxy_name="Calculator2"
        <Property name="Function" proxy_name="Calculator2"
        <Property name="Origin" proxy_name="Plane2" exposed_name="Origin"/>
        <Property name="Point1" proxy_name="Plane2" exposed_name="Point 1"/>
        <Property name="Point2" proxy_name="Plane2" exposed_name="Point 2"/>
        <Property name="XResolution" proxy_name="Plane2" exposed_name="X
        <Property name="YResolution" proxy_name="Plane2" exposed_name="Y

      <!-- Uncommenting this crashes ParaView when applying the
CompoundSourceProxy filter
        <PropertyGroup type="LineSource" >
          <Property function="Point1WorldPosition" name="Point1" />
          <Property function="Point2WorldPosition" name="Point2" />
          <Property function="Resolution"          name="XResolution" />

      <OutputPort name="ProbeOut" proxy="ProbeFilter2" port_index="0"/>
BR/ Christoffer

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 6:52 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit <
utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:

> Christoffer,
> You need to redefine the Hints for the "PropertyGroup" on the
> CompoundSourceProxy  as well. Also the properties that the widget is
> controlling, such as Point1WorldPosition, Point2WorldPosition,
> Resolution must be exposed from the CompoundSourceProxy.
> Utkarsh
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Christoffer Green
> <christoffer.green at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello!
> > I am trying to write an xml definition for a CompoundSourceProxy in
> ParaView
> > 3.8.1 that produces a plane that is used by a probe filter to
> > show the ParaView input (volume data in my case) on the plane. The
> position
> > and orientation of the plane should be controlled by a widget.
> > The problem:
> > I have been able to create a plane as a SourceProxy that is controlled by
> a
> > widget and I have been able to create a CompoundSourceProxy that shows
> the
> > volume data on a plane but the CompoundSourceProxy does not show the
> Widget
> > that is defined with the PropertyGroup hints in the SourceProxy plane. If
> I
> > create an instance of the plane without the CompoundSourceProxy then the
> > widget is displayed as it should. Does hint widget information disappear
> > when sources are used in a CompoundSourceProxy? How does one use widgets
> to
> > control properties in subproxies in a CompoundSourceProxy?
> > The xml definition I have written follows here (sorry about the length):
> > -----------------------
> > The structure of this file is like so:
> > ParaViewInput(Volume)-->Calculator--(source)-->Probe
> > Filter<--(input)--PlaneSource<--Widget
> > <ServerManagerConfiguration>
> >   <ProxyGroup name="sources">
> >    <!-- Plane Source -->
> >    <SourceProxy name="PlaneSourceWithWidget" class="vtkPlaneSource"
> > label="PlaneWithWidget">
> >       <Documentation
> >         long_help="Create a parallelogram given an origin and two points.
> > The resolution indicates the number of division along each axis of the
> > plane."
> >         short_help="Create a parallelogram from an origin and two
> points">
> > The Plane source can be used to add a polygonal parallelogram to the 3D
> > scene. Unlike the sphere, cone, and cylinder sources, the parallelogram
> is
> > exactly represented at the lowest resolution, but higher resolutions may
> be
> > desired if this plane is to be used as an input to a filter. The output
> of
> > the Plane source is polygonal data.
> >       </Documentation>
> >       <DoubleVectorProperty
> >          name="Origin"
> >          command="SetOrigin"
> >          number_of_elements="3"
> >          animateable="1"
> >          default_values="-0.5 -0.5 0.0" >
> >         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range"/>
> >         <Documentation>
> >           This property specifies the 3D coordinate of the origin (one
> > corner) of the plane.
> >         </Documentation>
> >       </DoubleVectorProperty>
> >       <DoubleVectorProperty
> >          name="Point1"
> >          command="SetPoint1"
> >          number_of_elements="3"
> >          animateable="1"
> >          default_values="0.5 -0.5 0.0" >
> >         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range"/>
> >         <Documentation>
> >           This property specifies the 3D coordinate a second corner of
> the
> > parallelogram. The line connecting this point and that specified by the
> > Origin property define one edge of the parallelogram (its X axis).
> >         </Documentation>
> >       </DoubleVectorProperty>
> >       <DoubleVectorProperty
> >          name="Point2"
> >          command="SetPoint2"
> >          number_of_elements="3"
> >          animateable="1"
> >          default_values="-0.5 0.5 0.0" >
> >         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range"/>
> >         <Documentation>
> >           This property specifies the 3D coordinate a third corner of the
> > parallelogram. The line connecting this point and that specified by the
> > Origin property define a second edge of the parallelogram (its Y axis).
> >         </Documentation>
> >       </DoubleVectorProperty>
> >       <IntVectorProperty
> >          name="XResolution"
> >          command="SetXResolution"
> >          number_of_elements="1"
> >          default_values="100" >
> >         <IntRangeDomain name="range" min="1" />
> >         <Documentation>
> >           This property specifies the number of divisions along the X
> axis
> > of the parallelogram.
> >         </Documentation>
> >       </IntVectorProperty>
> >       <IntVectorProperty
> >          name="YResolution"
> >          command="SetYResolution"
> >          number_of_elements="1"
> >          default_values="100" >
> >         <IntRangeDomain name="range" min="1" />
> >         <Documentation>
> >           This property specifies the number of divisions along the Y
> axis
> > of the parallelogram.
> >         </Documentation>
> >       </IntVectorProperty>
> >       <Hints>
> >         <PropertyGroup type="LineSource" >
> >           <Property function="Point1WorldPosition" name="Point1" />
> >           <Property function="Point2WorldPosition" name="Point2" />
> >           <Property function="Resolution"          name="XResolution" />
> >         </PropertyGroup>
> >       </Hints>
> >     </SourceProxy>
> >   </ProxyGroup>
> >
> >
> >   <ProxyGroup name="filters">
> >     <!-- Probe Filter -->
> >     <SourceProxy name="Probe Filter" class="vtkCompositeDataProbeFilter">
> >      <InputProperty
> >         name="Input"
> >         command="AddInputConnection"
> >         clean_command="RemoveAllInputs"
> >         multiple_input="1">
> >        <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
> >          <Group name="sources"/>
> >          <Group name="filters"/>
> >        </ProxyGroupDomain>
> >        <DataTypeDomain name="input_type" composite_data_supported="1">
> >          <DataType value="vtkDataObject"/>
> >        </DataTypeDomain>
> >      </InputProperty>
> >       <InputProperty
> >          name="Source"
> >          command="SetSourceConnection"
> >          multiple_input="1">
> >         <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
> >           <Group name="sources"/>
> >           <Group name="filters"/>
> >         </ProxyGroupDomain>
> >         <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
> >           <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>
> >         </DataTypeDomain>
> >       </InputProperty>
> >    </SourceProxy>
> >
> >    <!-- Compound -->
> >    <CompoundSourceProxy id="3316" servers="1" name="ProbePlane">
> >       <!-- Instance of Calculator so we can get the magnitude of the
> volume
> > data source for the probe filter-->
> >       <Proxy group="filters" type="Calculator" id="2154" servers="1"
> > compound_name="Calculator2">
> >         <Property name="AttributeMode" id="2154.AttributeMode"
> > number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Element index="0" value="1"/>
> >           <Domain name="enum" id="2154.AttributeMode.enum">
> >             <Entry value="1" text="point_data"/>
> >             <Entry value="2" text="cell_data"/>
> >             <Entry value="5" text="field_data"/>
> >           </Domain>
> >         </Property>
> >         <Property name="CoordinateResults" id="2154.CoordinateResults"
> > number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Element index="0" value="0"/>
> >           <Domain name="bool" id="2154.CoordinateResults.bool"/>
> >         </Property>
> >         <Property name="Function" id="2154.Function"
> number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Element index="0"
> value="V_3D_01_X^2+V_3D_01_Y^2+V_3D_01_Z^2"/>
> >         </Property>
> >         <Property name="Input" id="2154.Input" number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Domain name="groups" id="2154.Input.groups">
> >             <Group value="sources"/>
> >             <Group value="filters"/>
> >           </Domain>
> >           <Domain name="input_type" id="2154.Input.input_type">
> >             <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>
> >           </Domain>
> >         </Property>
> >         <Property name="ReplaceInvalidValues"
> id="2154.ReplaceInvalidValues"
> > number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Element index="0" value="1"/>
> >           <Domain name="bool" id="2154.ReplaceInvalidValues.bool"/>
> >         </Property>
> >         <Property name="ReplacementValue" id="2154.ReplacementValue"
> > number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Element index="0" value="0"/>
> >           <Domain name="range" id="2154.ReplacementValue.range"/>
> >         </Property>
> >         <Property name="ResultArrayName" id="2154.ResultArrayName"
> > number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Element index="0" value="Result"/>
> >         </Property>
> >       </Proxy>
> >
> >       <!-- instance of PlaneSourceWithWidget -->
> >       <Proxy group="sources" type="PlaneSourceWithWidget" id="2453"
> > servers="1" compound_name="Plane2">
> >       </Proxy>
> >       <!-- instance of Probe Filter -->
> >       <Proxy group="filters" type="Probe Filter" id="2867" servers="1"
> > compound_name="ProbeFilter2">
> >         <Property name="Input" id="2867.Input" number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Proxy value="2453" output_port="0"/>
> >           <Domain name="groups" id="2867.Input.groups">
> >             <Group value="sources"/>
> >             <Group value="filters"/>
> >           </Domain>
> >           <Domain name="input_type" id="2867.Input.input_type">
> >             <DataType value="vtkDataObject"/>
> >           </Domain>
> >         </Property>
> >         <Property name="Source" id="2867.Source" number_of_elements="1">
> >           <Proxy value="2154" output_port="0"/>
> >           <Domain name="groups" id="2867.Source.groups">
> >             <Group value="sources"/>
> >             <Group value="filters"/>
> >           </Domain>
> >           <Domain name="input_type" id="2867.Source.input_type">
> >             <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>
> >           </Domain>
> >         </Property>
> >       </Proxy>
> >       <ExposedProperties>
> >         <Property name="Input" proxy_name="Calculator2"
> > exposed_name="Calcinput"/>
> >         <Property name="Function" proxy_name="Calculator2"
> > exposed_name="Function"/>
> >         <Property name="XResolution" proxy_name="Plane2" exposed_name="X
> > Resolution"/>
> >         <Property name="YResolution" proxy_name="Plane2" exposed_name="Y
> > Resolution"/>
> >       </ExposedProperties>
> >       <OutputPort name="ProbeOut" proxy="ProbeFilter2" port_index="0"/>
> >     </CompoundSourceProxy>
> >   </ProxyGroup>
> > </ServerManagerConfiguration>
> > -------------------------------------------
> > Thanks
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