[Paraview] Some tests and questions about PV 3.10.0-RC1

Richard GRENON richard.grenon at onera.fr
Fri Feb 4 10:03:42 EST 2011

Thank you for the answer, Robert.

The Tecplot reader works fine with a single file that contains a 
multi-block dataset, but I encountered a problem when trying  to read 
the same data as a serie of Tecplot files.

Each file is a single block surface grid on the skin of an aircraft. 
Once I had selected all my files, I got an error message: "Group name 
and proxy must be non empty". But this was only a warning and PV was 
always running. Then I had to choose between "Tecplot Files (VisIt)" and 
"Tecplot Files" in the "Open data with.." window and click OK for each 
file in my serie.

Each time I clicked OK, a new file was loaded in the pipeline, but as I 
had selected more than 350 files, I decided to cancel. But the Cancel 
button is ignored and the "Open data with.." window appears again and 
again! The only way to cancel the reading task was to kill Paraview. I 
hope that this could be solved in the final release.

Now may I suggest an improvement for all readers? When reading huge 
datasets, the screen seems to be frozen (for about one minute with my 
full aircraft CFD dataset), and it would be nice if we could have in a 
future release some progress bar or something else indicating that PV is 
always alive.

Best regards and good week-end.


Robert Maynard a écrit :
> Hi Richard, 
> You are correct the VisIt plugin has been reworked and moved into 
> ParaView.
 Richard GRENON
 Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI
 8 rue des Vertugadins
 phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17
 fax   : +33 1 46 73 41 46
 mailto:Richard.Grenon at onera.fr

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