[Paraview] Regarding Paraview Web Visualization

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Thu Aug 25 00:02:24 EDT 2011

Hi Sudhir,

For the WEBGL_JAVASCRIPT_PATH, you must use a full path like that one

Otherwise, despite the fact you start tomcat as root, everything seems
to be fine.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:41 PM,  <spathak at ibrainovative.com> wrote:
> Hello Sebastien,
> Thanks for your quick reply.
> I am trying to render Sphere/Wavelet data from PWApp.
> I realized that webgl path was wrong it sets by default to /web/js/dev.
> Now I changed it to correct path (which is
> ParaViewWeb/WebServer/PWService/web/js/dev),
> but still error I am getting is same. I am sending you screenshot of CMake
> Configuration and related errors I am
> getting.
> Many Thanks,
> Sudhir
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Regarding Paraview Web Visualization
> From: Sebastien Jourdain <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com>
> Date: Tue, August 23, 2011 6:54 pm
> To: spathak at ibrainovative.com, paraview at paraview.org
> Cc: "Marcus D. Hanwell" <marcus.hanwell at kitware.com>
> Hi Sudhir,
> I'm glad you managed to deploy successfully ParaViewWeb specially with
> the latest version of activemq-cpp.
> Regarding your issue I have an idea, but I might need also some more
> feedback from you.
> First of all, what kind of data did you tried to render ? Did you
> used, one of our sample application ? (PWApp ?)
> During the configuration with CMake, what value did you set for the
> path to the webgl javascript file ? (Sometime the automatic detection
> doesn't seems to work properly.)
> If you used you own application, you need to tell the server that it
> should also generate a WebGL data structure.
> Just let me know more about what you are doing so I could figure out
> what is happening here.
> Seb
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Marcus D. Hanwell
> <marcus.hanwell at kitware.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 1:06 PM,  <spathak at ibrainovative.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Dr. Hanwell,
>>> How are you? I am writing you regarding installation of Paraview Web
>>> software.
>>> We trying to use the current version of Paraview Web software to
>>> Visualize
>>> some Medical data. We used guideline described on the Wiki page. It
>>> compiles
>>> fine and
>>> we can view data in 3D except for WebGL option. When we select WebGL
>>> options
>>> it
>>> gives following error:
>>> =============================================================
>>> SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet WebGL threw exception
>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at
>>> org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteWriter.write(CoyoteWriter.java:171)
>>> =============================================================
>>> A detailed version of logs are attached. We are using Ubuntu 11.04 OS.
>>> Here are the software version we used to compile and deploy ParaviewWeb:
>>> * Current version of Paraview (3.11.1 64-bit).
>>> * active-cpp-3.4.0
>>> * apache-tomcat-6.0.33, flex3, qooxdoo-1.5-sdk and gwt-2.0.3.
>>> * ParaviewWeb library
>>> We followed all steps to setup as described
>>> at http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_Building.
>>> I will really appreciate if you can provide some insight on error.
>>> Or, If you can provide contact information to whom I can contact
>>> regarding
>>> this issue.
>>> Sudhir Pathak,
>>> iBrainovative, Inc
>> Hi Sudhir,
>> I would suggest asking Sebastien in the first instance as he is
>> responsible for a large portion of the development of ParaView Web.
>> Both of us monitor the VTK user list where your questions are likely
>> to be seen and answered by a wider cross section of the community.
>> Hopefully Sebastien will have a better idea about how to fix the error
>> you are seeing.
>> Best wishes,
>> Marcus
>> --
>> Marcus D. Hanwell, Ph.D.
>> R&D Engineer, Kitware Inc.
>> (518) 881-4937

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