[Paraview] Get name of object in Pipeline Browser

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Thu Aug 18 04:33:46 EDT 2011


I'm not completely sure what you want, but here's what I was thinking

class vtkMyExporter ..... {

the usual vtkSetGetStuff and all the write, update, etc

  void SetMyNameString(const char *) // for a single dataset/actor
  void SetMyNameStringList(const char **) // for a list of items

this gets wrapped by client server etc etc

In the GUI, you could query the name from the pqXXX stuff, I have  a similar snippet that does this
      pqPipelineSource *source = *it;
      std::string xmlName = source->getProxy()->GetXMLName();
now you want the name, not the XML name, so use that
but now you can
        vtkSMPropertyHelper modified(source->getProxy(), "MyNameString");
        modified.Set(xmlName.c_str()); // or something like that
then you need to push your string into the VTK class using something like
or UpdatePipeline (I forget the correct calls)
and because your custom SetMyNameString doesn't trigger a modified in the pipeline, you can carry on with doing the write, but the exporter has the string passed in from he GUI just before it writes. You can pass a string list if you want and make sure the order matches the order of writes so the names match.
Since I'm not certain what you're doing, this is a bit hand wavy, but you get the idea

Not sure if this helps your exact use case ...


From: Lars Bilke [mailto:lars.bilke at ufz.de]
Sent: 18 August 2011 09:14
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: Utkarsh Ayachit; ParaView Mailliste
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Get name of object in Pipeline Browser

Thanks for your answers!

where on the gui-side do I need to pass that string? Do I need to modify the ParaView sources? Because I only want to write a plugin which should be redistributable to colleagues which have only the ParaView binaries installed.
And your suggestion assumes that I only want to export one actor right? What I want is to export all actors in one step.


Am Mittwoch, 17. August 2011 um 15:45 schrieb Biddiscombe, John A.:
It'd probably be easier to add a method to the vtk-exporter class which accepts a string, and from the gui, pass the string in just before export - because you can get it the proxy name from the gui end. Make sure the SetProxyName(char*...) method doesn't call Modified. (ie don't use SetStringMacro)


-----Original Message-----
From: paraview-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Utkarsh Ayachit
Sent: 17 August 2011 15:16
To: Lars Bilke
Cc: ParaView Mailliste
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Get name of object in Pipeline Browser

It's not possible, not from a simple exporter plugin.The exporter
lives entirely in the VTK world without any knowledge of proxies. A
unconventional approach would be explicitly make the exporter plugin
link agains the pqCore library, then you can access the
pqApplicationCore and other singletons (like ProxyManager) and get
information about what sources are present and what their names are
(this is acceptable since exporter work entirely on the client-side).
It is still, however, non trivial to determine which actor corresponds
to what source proxy.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 3:40 AM, Lars Bilke <lars.bilke at ufz.de<mailto:lars.bilke at ufz.de>> wrote:

Dear ParaView users,
is it possible to programmatically get the name of an object in the Pipeline
Browser? To be more specific I need to get this name from a vtkActor. I am
writing a exporter plugin
(see http://www.mail-archive.com/paraview@paraview.org/msg12939.html) and
want to name my objects in the exported file.
Thanks for your help,

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