[Paraview] Xdmf data duplication

Paul Melis paul.melis at sara.nl
Wed Aug 17 11:38:16 EDT 2011

Hi Utkarsh,

On 08/16/2011 06:22 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
> If you're writing out data that is already partitioned, you should
> write it out as a collection of grids. Then each grid in that
> collection is read on a separate partition.

I followed your advice, but seem to have hit on another bug, this time
with nodes not reading/showing their collection. See the attached Xdmf
file, it contains a temporal collection of spatial collections, where
there is actually only 1 timestep as it shows the incorrect behaviour.
Each spatial grid consists of 16 unstructured grids, read from 16 HDF5

The behaviour I'm seeing when loading this dataset on an 8-process PV
session is that only 1/8th of the data actually shows up. Looking at the
process Id scalars it only has a range of [0,0] and only 1 out of 8 of
the "hypercolumn-?" sets in the multi-block set show any cells and
points. This is with PV patched with the code you sent earlier, btw.
Loading the same set on a local PV session works fine.

I can upload the corresponding HDF5 files, if needed, but these are not
public I'm afraid.


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