[Paraview] ParaViewWeb build - PWServer

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Wed Aug 10 20:05:34 EDT 2011

Hi Max,

the wiki might be confusing, but each time the CMake step are similar
in the sense that the wiki highlight each property setting needed for
each individual component of ParaViewWeb, but as you might want to
build the "full" ParaViewWeb, you should setup everything at once. No
need to stop/start CMake as many time as ParaViewWeb has components.


On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 5:13 PM, WILKINSON M.
<maxwell.wilkinson at durham.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Seb,
> I haven't got to deployment just yet, I'm trying to build PWService at the
> moment.
> For PWServer, I downloaded activemq-cpp 3.4.0 as source and compiled using
> the instructions in the wiki:
> ----------
> ActiveMQ-CPP
> ActiveMQ-CPP is needed for the compilation and the execution of the
> application. Therefore, you will need to download the source files at the
> following url http://activemq.apache.org/cms/download.html. As of
> (06/28/2010) activemq-cpp 3.2 appears to have a bug in it. Please use
> activemq-cpp 3.1.x. Then you will need to build that library. The command
> line given below are for Unix systems.
>   > ./configure
>   > make
>   > sudo make install
> Make sure that you have all the dependency needed to build this library.
> Here are the required package for Debian/Ubuntu:
>  apt-get install build-essential libaprutil1-dev libapreq2-dev apache2-utils
> python-dev cmake-curses-gui uuid-dev libapr1 libapreq2-dev
> ----------
> In order to build PWService, should I continue to use the ./build-pw and
> ./install-pw directories carried over from the build of PWServer?
> I'm following the instructions from the wiki, given below:
> ----------
> Configuration and building
> The PWService do not require any sample to work, therefore we will focusing
> on building only the core service with all the settings that are mandatory.
> The command line given below are for Unix systems and paths are given as
> example.
>   > mkdir build-pw install-pw         <---- Optional if you've done
>   > cd build-pw                       <---- it for ParaviewAdapter
>   > ccmake ../SOURCE_DIR
> ----------
> Should the ccmake source directory be set to ../ParaViewWeb or should I use
> one of the sub-directories?
> I'm hoping to have the sample applications running soon!
> Thanks
> Max
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sebastien Jourdain [mailto:sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com]
> Sent: Wed 10/08/11 19:51
> Cc: paraview at paraview.org
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaViewWeb build - PWServer
> Hi Max,
> Great ! Did you managed to deploy and test the sample applications yourself
> ?
> Just to my knowledge how did you install activemq-cpp ? Did you used
> your system package system or you build it from the source ?
> Thanks for your feedback,
> Seb
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:40 PM, WILKINSON M.
> <maxwell.wilkinson at durham.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Seb
>> Thanks for the swift reply. I now have PWServer compiled using
>> activemq-cpp
>> 3.4.0, all tests were passed and it is now installed :)
>> Max
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sebastien Jourdain [mailto:sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com]
>> Sent: Wed 10/08/11 16:56
>> Cc: paraview at paraview.org
>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaViewWeb build - PWServer
>> Moreover, all the version of activemq-cpp can be found here:
>> http://activemq.apache.org/cms/download.html
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Sebastien Jourdain
>> <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Max,
>>> there is two things happening here.
>>> The first one is related to an API change in ActiveMQ-cpp which induce
>>> this compilation issue. Although it happen that I was working on that
>>> part lately and managed to use activemq-cpp 3.4 on a linux machine. To
>>> do so, you will need to edit the ParaViewWeb source code. I've paste
>>> the small diff at the end of that mail.
>>> The second issue is related to the ParaView version that you are
>>> using. Before getting further, you should either use 3.10.1 or
>>> git/master. But depending on the version, you have to checkout a given
>>> tag on the ParaViewWeb git repository.
>>> Hope this help,
>>> Seb
>>> ====================================
>>> In file : /ParaViewAdapter/vtkPWJMSMessagingService.cxx
>>> -vtkPWJMSMessagingService::~vtkPWJMSMessagingService()
>>> +vtkPWJMSMessagingService::~vtkPWJMSMessagingService() throw()
>>> [...]
>>> -void vtkPWJMSMessagingService::onMessage(const cms::Message *message)
>>> +void vtkPWJMSMessagingService::onMessage(const cms::Message *message)
>>> throw()
>>> In file: /ParaViewAdapter/vtkPWJMSMessagingService.h
>>> -  void onMessage(const cms::Message *message);
>>> +  void onMessage(const cms::Message *message) throw();
>>> [...]
>>> -  ~vtkPWJMSMessagingService();
>>> +   ~vtkPWJMSMessagingService() throw();

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