[Paraview] Use one statefile for multiple time values

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Aug 9 13:35:23 EDT 2011

The problem is indeed in the reader. I've attached  a patch for the
issue. It will be committed into git-master soon.


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Eelco van Vliet <eelcovv at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Utkarsh,
> I am using the LegacyVTKReader. Looking at the reader properties I see that
> indeed the new filename is in the reader object, but still the first file as
> defined in the state file is used for plotting.
> Regards
> Eelco
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Eelco van Vliet <eelcovv at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello paraviewers,
>> According to the information I found here
>> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ParaView/Users_Guide/Batch_Processing (bottom page)
>> it should be able to Load a state file and then to change the file name to
>> apply the same state on  multi files (for making an animation for instance)
>> sm=servermanager
>> sm.Connect()
>> sm.LoadState(opt.statefile)
>> view=GetRenderViews()[0]
>> cnt=0
>> for time in timesteps:
>>    ts=[]
>>    ts.append(filelist[cnt])
>>    reader.FileNames = ts
>>    reader.FileNameChanged()
>>    reader.UpdatePipeline()
>>   format="%%s/%%s/%%s/%%s_t%s%%s" % (opt.timeformat)
>>   jpgfile=format %
>> (path,opt.casedir,opt.outputdir,opt.imbase,float(time),jpgext)
>>   view.ResetCamera()
>>   view.StillRender()
>>   view.WriteImage(jpgfile,"vtkPNGWriter",1)
>>   cnt=cnt+1
>> However, the scrips keeps showing only the data associate with the first
>> file in the state file. If I print the properties of the reader with
>>  for i in dir(reader):
>>       print "reader.%s = %s" % (i,getattr(reader,i))
>> I can see that in the reader object the filename indeed has change, but
>> the change are not reflected to the newly rendered image. I seems that
>> UpdatePipe() does not work.
>> Does anybody sees what goes wrong and how I can fix this ?
>> Many thanks
>> Regards
>> Eelco
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