[Paraview] FYI Mac OSX pv plugin: Missing Menu Items with QT 4.6.3; but 4.7.3 is OK

Lawrence Angrave angrave at illinois.edu
Mon Aug 8 10:29:07 EDT 2011


I thought it would be useful to post /archive the following runtime QT 
strangeness in case others run into a similar issue.

We initially built MacOSX (10.5.8) Paraview 3.10.1 with QT 4.6.3. 
Strangely this Paraview did not correctly support a simple paraview 
plugin that added two items to a new menu - the second menu item, 
"About" never showed up:

MenuActions::MenuActions(QObject* p) : QActionGroup(p)
   QIcon icon = qApp->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxCritical);

   QAction * Import = new QAction(icon, "Import", this);
   QAction * About = new QAction(icon, "About", this);


(We first noticed the problem in a much larger plugin we'd built and the 
second menu item would not show up if it's character string was 
different from the first menu item! - We presumed we were trashing the 
memory until we built a simple plugin demo. Test files MenuActions.h,cxx 
and makefile available upon request.)

Downloading, compiling and installing a later version of QT (4.7.3), 
rebuilding the Paraview, then rebuilding the plugin to use the new 
Paraview build fixed the problem. Sorry I do not have time to 
debug/explore this further.


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