[Paraview] Stereo Rendering guts (non-cave) in ParaView...

Mathias Winkel win_wa at gmx.net
Fri Aug 5 01:49:19 EDT 2011

Dear Jeff,

I cannot really help you with your questions since i am not familiar 
with the Paraview source. However, your email sounds as if you are 
planning to - after understanding how stereo rendering is implemented in 
Paraview - include some improvements there. If you do so, i would like 
to propose some improvements that i was missing the last time i used 
stereo rendering (correct me if some of these things have already been 

* none of the parameters of stereo projection (for example the eye 
distance) seem to be user adjustable
* for stereo-mode with two-color glasses, their color cannot be 
adjusted. Hence, you need glasses that fit to the paraview standard 
colors as well as the monitor's color space. This is very inconvenient - 
the possibility to give a color value for each eye would be very helpful.

Best Regards,


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