[Paraview] vtkIsoVolume example?

Alexis Chan alexisc at cs.unc.edu
Wed Apr 20 04:41:40 EDT 2011


Is there a vtkIsoVolume example that I can refer to? When I open a vtu file
in ParaView and apply the "Iso Volume" filter to it, I am able to see the
Iso Volume.  I tried to replicate that in my VTK application but I ran into
"Unable to allocate memory" error.
Here's the code snippet ( I verified using the debugger that ParaView uses
the same values for the SetInputArrayToProcess):

vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader* reader = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader::New();

vtkIsoVolume* myIsoVolume = vtkIsoVolume::New();
myIsoVolume ->SetInput((vtkDataSet*)reader->GetOutput());
myIsoVolume ->SetInputArrayToProcess(0,0,0,vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS,"Pressure");
myIsoVolume ->ThresholdBetween(-100,100);
myIsoVolume ->Update();


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