[Paraview] PV 3.10.0 filters & contributing code

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Apr 15 10:34:15 EDT 2011

That's not a bad idea at all. I will look into adding such a mechanism.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Michael Jackson
<mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
> I was thinking the same thing with respect to using Git submodules for plugins. If I have my own git repository and I want to build the plugin as part of ParaView it might start making sense to add some sort of CMake variable similar to the PARAVIEW_EXTERNAL_MODULES but that would specifically look in the Plugins folder of the ParaView source. I can always just add my plugin to the CMakeLists.txt file inside the Plugins folder and just keep lettings pulls from the ParaView git repo merge in but maybe an actual additional mechanism would be great.
> Just my 2 cents for the morning.
> ___________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
> Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio
> On Apr 14, 2011, at 3:52 PM, Jérôme wrote:
>> Hi Utkarsh and Natalie,
>> Regarding the "scalar name" problem, I encountered this and
>> solved it with the -apparently- same  code snippet you sent. Yes, having
>> the full code or the procedure to trigger the error would be helpful.
>> Regarding the contributing code, I applause! The work-flow you
>> proposed is the simplest one. Do you think it would possible
>> to use the submodule mechanism from git, so that the contributed
>> plugins are directly built in the ParaView tree without interfering
>> with the developers' branches ?
>> Looking forward to contributing,
>> Jerome
>> 2011/4/14 Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>:
>>> Natalie,
>>> Could you share the code/data and steps to reproduce so that I may be
>>> better able to judge what's the problem?
>>> Also as far your question about contributing code goes, I think that's
>>> definitely a great idea. I am a thinking of using a the following
>>> workflow to get contributed code in:
>>> * Commit your plugin (complete with CMake files and such) to a github
>>> or gitorious repository.
>>> * Add a Wiki page to the ParaView Wiki with details on building/using
>>> the plugin, and any other relevant information useful to the user.
>>> * Add a link for this Wiki page in the main page (I'll add a section
>>> for contributed plugins).
>>> If ParaView users find that plugin generally useable, we'd work with
>>> the developer to get the plugin into the ParaView repository itself. I
>>> want to keep this a separate step since many plugin developers may not
>>> consider all the configurations  while writing their plugins e.g. it
>>> should work in client-server, parallel, render-server/data-server,
>>> remote-rendering etc. and it doesn't make sense to not share that
>>> plugin only because it doesn't handle some obscure configuration.
>>> How does that sound?
>>> Utkarsh
>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 5:03 AM, Natalie Happenhofer
>>> <nataliehapp at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I've recently downloaded PV 3.10.0 and extended it with my own filters I've
>>>> already build in PV 3.6 and PV 3.8.0. However, executing them in PV3.10.0, I
>>>> get the error
>>>> Warning: In
>>>> /home/happenhofer/svn/paraview/branches/ParaView-3.10.0/Servers/Filters/vtkTexturePainter.cxx,
>>>> line 179
>>>> vtkTexturePainter (0x900c8d0): Failed to locate selected scalars. Will use
>>>> image scalars by default.
>>>> ERROR: In
>>>> /home/happenhofer/svn/paraview/branches/ParaView-3.10.0/VTK/Rendering/vtkOpenGLTexture.cxx,
>>>> line 196
>>>> vtkOpenGLTexture (0x9083d20): No scalar values found for texture input!
>>>> I've googled those errors and one way to get rid of this seemed to be to
>>>> name the arrays. Lamentably, the error persists after naming them.
>>>> Here is a code fragment of setting the output (hor is a vtkDoubleArray):
>>>> hor -> SetName(name.c_str());
>>>> output -> CopyStructure(input);
>>>> output -> GetPointData() -> AddArray(hor);
>>>> output -> GetPointData() -> SetActiveScalars(name.c_str());
>>>> output -> Squeeze();
>>>> Do you have any ideas on this? As I said, in PV 3.6.x and PV 3.8.0 this code
>>>> worked fine.
>>>> Also, since I've been developing filters for ParaView quite a time now and
>>>> some of my filters might be interesting to other users as well, so I thought
>>>> about contributing code.
>>>> I have coded a DataCalculator which operates on different data sets, for
>>>> example if you have two datasets at different times and want to know the
>>>> difference between the values, you could use this filter.
>>>> Another filter of mine calculates the horizontal average of a dataset.
>>>> Lastly, I wrote a wrapper-routine to the VTK-and the XDMF-Writer already
>>>> included in Paraview, so that they do not just write one file, but write a
>>>> time series of files. This might be interesting if you perform some
>>>> operations on a time-series read in and want to save the output without
>>>> having to call the writer for each time step separately.
>>>> If you are interested, please let me know.
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> Natalie
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