[Paraview] Computation of gradients fails

Martin Vymazal martin.vymazal at vki.ac.be
Wed Sep 22 09:12:25 EDT 2010

Dear ParaView developers,

  I'm trying to compute gradient of my x-component of velocity on a  
grid of tetrahedra which has 55244 DOF. ParaView fails to compute the  
gradients with the following error message:

Generic Warning: In  
/home/kitware/Dashboard/MyTests/ParaView-3-8/ParaView-3.8/ParaView/VTK/Common/vtkMath.cxx, line  
Unable to factor linear system

The mesh does not have degenerate/ugly elements, but it has some sharp  
edges (in the inlet/outlet area). Is this a problem? If not, is there  
a way of avoiding the error?

Thank you very much.

  Martin Vymazal

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