[Paraview] Turn vtk Data Object into DataObjectProxy

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Sun Sep 12 16:40:50 EDT 2010

I'm experimenting with calling functions in the ServerManager directly from a parallel application

On each node, I have a vtkDataset (piece of),

I need to set the dataset as input to a pipeline - for example

  vtkSMProxyManager* pxm = vtkSMProxyManager::GetProxyManager();
  vtkSMProxy *contour = pxm->NewProxy("filters", "Contour");
  vtkSMInputProperty *input = vtkSMInputProperty::SafeDownCast(

How can I manually set the vtkDataSet as the input to the contour filter (through the inputproxy). I presume I need a data object proxy, which has its pointer set directly. But I can't seem to find that right combination of calls.


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