[Paraview] Get Data Ranges in Python

Tim Mardall tim at mardall.info
Thu Sep 9 11:32:07 EDT 2010


If I select an item in the Pipeline Browser, and click the "Information" tab in the Object Inspector, I can view the "Data Ranges" for all the Data Arrays defined in that object.
Is there Python commands that can enable me to Get that data? I've spent quite a bit of time fiddling about with variations of GetActiveSource().GetDataInformation().GetBounds() etc, but no success.

I need this data in a macro that will define a new RGBPoints array, so that rendered data on a surface that is outside user defined limits, will plot in an "out of bounds" colour e.g. grey. I tried the suggestion on the Wiki of defining a new colour map with a small strip of grey at each end of the profile, but this method didn't work properly, as it gave a very wavy boundary line between colour and grey, and it's location was a function of the number of colour contours chosen.


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