[Paraview] Hidden objects in povray export

pat marion pat.marion at kitware.com
Wed Sep 8 16:32:43 EDT 2010

Hi Joe,

I can confirm the same behavior.  I'm not sure if that behavior is done on
purpose or not.  Here is how you can work around the issue using the python

for s in GetSources().values():
    r = GetDisplayProperties(s)
    if not r.Visibility: GetActiveView().Representations.remove(r)

You can create a new python macro and assign this code to the macro.  Then
just run the macro right before exporting.


On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 3:35 PM, joseph insley <insley at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have recently started experimenting with exporting data objects in
> ParaView as povray files, and have run into the following issue.  I have an
> unstructured grid dataset, from which I generate some streamlines and
> cutting planes.  Inside ParaView I hide the original data and view only the
> streamlines and cutting planes, and things look great.  However, when I
> export this as pov, the resulting .pov file includes the original (hidden)
> data, so that when I try to render this file with povray, all I see is the
> original mesh.  Not to mention that it makes the size of the resulting pov
> file much larger than is needed by including this extra data.  Has anyone
> else seen this behavior?  Is there some way that I'm missing of telling
> ParaView not to include hidden data objects in the pov file when exporting?
> (btw, this is using the PV3.8.0 Mac binary)
> Thanks,
> joe.
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