[Paraview] List to select zones in object panel for a custom reader

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 12:25:05 EDT 2010

You don't necessarily need to do a lot of heavy coding.

One simple way to transfer variable length data such as the list of 
selected zone ids from client to server is via a string vector property. 
On the client side you will need a custom panel that handles 
serialization of the list of zones into the string vector property. On 
the server side parse the string during request data phase. A format like:

"nZoneIds Zone1Id Zone2Id ... ZoneNId".

Would do the trick, and would be compatible with PV state.


Paul Edwards wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a reader and would like to have a list box in the object panel 
> to select which zones to read in from the file.  The number of zones 
> can change depending on the file.  Does anyone have any suggestions 
> for how to do this?  My ideas were:
>     * add a new vtkSM*Domain
>           o I don't think this is possible in a plugin because
>             pqSMAdaptor needs to be updated for any new class (is that
>             right?)
>     * create a custom panel and have one information only property to
>       get the number of zones and another property to set the zones
>           o would the set property need to be a string that I put
>             comma-separated zone indexes or is there a way to change
>             the number of elements in an integer vector?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul
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