[Paraview] List to select zones in object panel for a custom reader

Paul Edwards paul.m.edwards at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 08:21:38 EDT 2010


I have a reader and would like to have a list box in the object panel to
select which zones to read in from the file.  The number of zones can change
depending on the file.  Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do this?
 My ideas were:

   - add a new vtkSM*Domain
      - I don't think this is possible in a plugin because pqSMAdaptor needs
      to be updated for any new class (is that right?)
   - create a custom panel and have one information only property to get the
   number of zones and another property to set the zones
      - would the set property need to be a string that I put
      comma-separated zone indexes or is there a way to change the number of
      elements in an integer vector?

Thanks in advance,
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