[Paraview] Japanese translation of The ParaView Tutorial Version 3.8 is available

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Mon Oct 11 11:07:57 EDT 2010

Very nice, Takuya.  Thanks for keeping up the good work!


On 10/9/10 11:19 PM, "Takuya OSHIMA" <oshima at eng.niigata-u.ac.jp> wrote:


I wanted to drop a note to Japanese subscribers that a Japanese
translation of The ParaView Tutorial Version 3.8 is now available.

As always, many thanks to Kenneth Moreland for providing the excellent
tutorial and its LaTeX source.

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   ****      Kenneth Moreland
    ***      Sandia National Laboratories
*** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
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    ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel

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