[Paraview] paraviewweb: separate pipeline control from rendering client

Vlad Petrov vlad.petrov at ymail.com
Tue Nov 30 11:20:24 EST 2010

Dear all,
the paraview web visualization looks like the perfect solution for our software 
training sessions. I would like to ask whether it is possible to use it in an 
even more suitable way for teacher - student scenarios.

The idea is to have the complete Paraviewweb functionality (setup data sources 
and visualization pipeline, as well as a rendering view) available in the 
teacher's web browser. The students should receive only the rendering view with 
the possibility to navigate in 3D, but not to modify the pipeline. (Ideally each 
student should be able to take over navigation if nobody else is active. But it 
is also sufficient if a single student workplace is prioritized to allow 

I am looking for an example that separates the pipeline controls from the render 
view into two different web pages. Is this possible, or is the render view 
always tied to the control widgets?

Thank you

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