[Paraview] Calling the calculator filter repeatedly inside a for-loop

George george.gerber at gmail.com
Sun Nov 28 16:51:49 EST 2010

Hi  Pat,

Thank you for the advice.
Is it therefore not possible to run the calculator filter inside a for 
loop? Or do I need to create an intermediate array (say ResultTemp) by 
deep copying the original Result array?

Thank you,

On 2010/11/28 10:09 PM, pat marion wrote:
> Hi George,
> To execute a filter from python you can call UpdatePipeline().  This 
> is just like clicking the Apply button.  So for your code it would be 
> CalculatorX.UpdatePipeline().  But your loop isn't going to do what 
> you want.  Filters operate on their input data and output new data, 
> they do not modify their input data in place.  If you call the 
> calculator filter 10 times, it's going to produce the same output each 
> time unless its input has changed.
> Pat
> On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 2:33 PM, George <george.gerber at gmail.com 
> <mailto:george.gerber at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi paraviewers,
>     I am trying to write a python script where I call the Calculator
>     filter repeatedly inside a for-loop.
>     However, I am not quite sure how to write this for paraview. At
>     the moment my code looks like this:
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     try: paraview.simple
>     except: from paraview.simple import *
>     paraview.simple._DisableFirstRenderCameraReset()
>     # Data Processing
>     Coarse = OpenFOAMReader( FileName='C:\\Users\\Public\\Mesh.OpenFOAM' )
>     Coarse.CellArrays = ['U', 'U_0', 'p']
>     Coarse.MeshRegions = ['internalMesh']
>     SetActiveSource(Coarse)
>     CalculatorX = Calculator()
>     CalculatorX.AttributeMode = 'point_data'
>     CalculatorX.Function = 'p'
>     CalculatorX.ResultArrayName = 'Result'
>     # A hypothetical for-loop where I repeatedly add the array 'p' to
>     the array 'Result'
>     for i in range(10):
>        CalculatorX.Function = 'Result+p'    #( Result = Result + p)
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     The above script will not work in paraview as is.
>     Can anyone tell me the proper way of writing this in Python?
>     Thank you very much,
>     George
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