[Paraview] help

Hom Nath Gharti hng.email at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 13:15:00 EST 2010

As I have already mentioned, please replace "DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID"

2010/11/21 乔彦超 <oliver.qiao at gmail.com>

> Hi Hom:
> i followed your advice to change the code.
> but it still have the problem.
> as followed
> C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\Parallel\vtkPDataSetReader.cxx, line 705
> vtkPDataSetReader (094D4C88): Expecting 'DIMENSIONS' insted of: POINTS
>  ERROR: In
> C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\Parallel\vtkPDataSetReader.cxx, line 705
> vtkPDataSetReader (094D4C88): Expecting 'DIMENSIONS' insted of: POINTS
>  ERROR: In
> C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\IO\vtkStructuredGridReader.cxx, line 150
> vtkStructuredGridReader (094D8C88): Could not read dimensions
>  ERROR: In
> C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\IO\vtkStructuredGridReader.cxx, line 150
> vtkStructuredGridReader (094D8C88): Could not read dimensions
>  ERROR: In
> C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\IO\vtkStructuredGridReader.cxx, line 317
> vtkStructuredGridReader (094D8C88): Unrecognized keyword: cells
> the accessory is my result.
> thank you!
> 2010/11/19 Hom Nath Gharti <hng.email at gmail.com>
> I think:
>> 2. In CELLS it should be NC*5 not NC*4, because this represents the total
>> number of integer values in the CELL list. In your case it is (Number of
>> elements*(1 + Number of nodes per element))
>> 3. In the CELL list you should have
>> Number of nodes per element, node1, node2, node3, node4
>> ...
>> ...
>> Therefore, it should be:
>> fprintf(fp,'%d %d %d %d
>> %d\n',4,Cells(1,i)-1,Cells(2,i)-1,Cells(3,i)-1,Cells(4,i)-1);
>> 4. Because you are displaying Quadrilateral, in the list of CELL_TYPE you
>> should use:
>> fprintf(fp,'%d\n',9);  not fprintf(fp,'%d\n',4); 4 is for polyline see
>> figure 3 of (5)
>> 5. See http://www.vtk.org/VTK/img/file-formats.pdf for detail
>> Good luck!
>> HNG
>>   On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 7:45 AM, 乔彦超 <oliver.qiao at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Hi:
>>> i want write my results into VTK format, then i can use the paraview.
>>> but i have some problem. my compute model is 700KM*700KM, there are 71*71
>>> nodes. it's a Quadrilateral mesh.
>>> my matlab code as followed
>>> % Model size, m
>>> xsize=700000;
>>> ysize=700000;
>>> % Defining resolution
>>> xnum=71;
>>> ynum=71;
>>> NP=xnum*ynum;
>>> NC=xnum*ynum-2*xnum+1;
>>> % Defining gridline positions for regular basic grid
>>> % In horizontal direction
>>> gridx=zeros(xnum,1);
>>> for i=2:1:xnum
>>>     gridx(i)=gridx(i-1)+xstp;
>>> end
>>> % Defining gridline positions for 51x51 irregular basic grid
>>> % In vertical direction
>>> gridy=zeros(ynum,1);
>>> for i=2:1:6
>>>     gridy(i)=gridy(i-1)+20000;
>>> end
>>> for i=7:1:46
>>>     gridy(i)=gridy(i-1)+1250;
>>> end
>>> for i=46:1:51
>>>     gridy(i)=gridy(i-1)+10000;
>>> end
>>> for i=51:1:71
>>>     gridy(i)=gridy(i-1)+25000;
>>> end
>>> gridy(ynum)=ysize;
>>> %write the points
>>> a=0;
>>> for i=1:1:ynum
>>>     for j=1:1:xnum
>>>         a=a+1;
>>>         Points(1,a)=gridx(j);
>>>         Points(2,a)=gridy(i);
>>>     end
>>> end
>>> % write the cell
>>> nn=0;
>>> for j=1:1:ynum
>>>     for i=1:1:xnum
>>>         nn=nn+1;
>>>         Cells(1,nn)=(j-1)*(xnum+1)+i;
>>>         Cells(2,nn)=(j-1)*(xnum+1)+i+1;
>>>         Cells(3,nn)=j*(xnum+1)+i+1;
>>>         Cells(4,nn)=j*(xnum+1)+i;
>>>         Cells(5,nn)=nn;
>>>     end
>>> end
>>> % write VTK file
>>> fp=fopen('Resault.vtk','w');
>>> fprintf(fp,'# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n');
>>> fprintf(fp,'vtk output\n');
>>> fprintf(fp,'ASCII\n');
>>> fprintf(fp,'DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\n');
>>> fprintf(fp,'POINTS %d float\n',NP);
>>> for i=1:NP
>>>     fprintf(fp,'%e %e %e \n',Points(1,i),Points(2,i),0);
>>> end
>>> fprintf(fp,'\n');
>>> fprintf(fp,'CELLS %d %d\n',NC,NC*4);
>>> aa=0;
>>> for i=1:NC
>>>     aa=aa+1;
>>>     fprintf(fp,'%d %d %d %d
>>> %d\n',aa,Cells(1,i)-1,Cells(2,i)-1,Cells(3,i)-1,Cells(4,i)-1);
>>> end
>>> fprintf(fp,'\n');
>>> fprintf(fp,'CELL_TYPES %d\n',NC);
>>> for i=1:NC
>>>     fprintf(fp,'%d\n',4);
>>> end
>>> fprintf(fp,'\n');
>>> fprintf(fp,'POINT_DATA %d\n',NP);
>>> when i tried to open it with paraview.
>>> it sayed "ERROR: In
>>> C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\IO\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 2078
>>> ERROR: In C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\IO\vtkDataReader.cxx, line
>>> 2078
>>> ERROR: In
>>> C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\Parallel\vtkPDataSetReader.cxx, line 705
>>> vtkPDataSetReader (0AEA4D18): Expecting 'DIMENSIONS' insted of: POINTS
>>> ERROR: In
>>> C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\Parallel\vtkPDataSetReader.cxx, line 705
>>> vtkPDataSetReader (0AEA4D18): Expecting 'DIMENSIONS' insted of: POINTS"
>>> What's the problem? could you help me?
>>> thank you very much.
>>> Best regards!
>>> --
>>> Yanchao Qiao
>>> Ph.D student of Geodynamics
>>> +86-136 010 926 41
>>> College of Earth Science
>>> Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
>>> 19A, YuQuan Road, Beijing, China, 100049
>>> Email:oliver.qiao at 163.com <Email%3Aoliver.qiao at 163.com>;
>>> oliver.qiao at gmail.com;qiaoyanchao07 at mails.gucas.ac.cn
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> --
> Yanchao Qiao
> Ph.D student of Geodynamics
> +86-136 010 926 41
> College of Earth Science
> Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
> 19A, YuQuan Road, Beijing, China, 100049
> Email:oliver.qiao at 163.com <Email%3Aoliver.qiao at 163.com>;
> oliver.qiao at gmail.com;qiaoyanchao07 at mails.gucas.ac.cn
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