[Paraview] Paraview output in a latex document

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Fri May 28 15:40:20 EDT 2010

Any specific reason you prefer eps files? PV is only going to give you 
raster images, so eps isn't an advantage as far as I can tell.

I think you can get quite good results with png's. Save your PV image in 
.png format (File-Save Screen Shot), in as high resolution as you can. 
In other words, make the PV window large. You have to have 
\usepackage{graphicx} or \usepackage[pdftex]{color,graphicx} or 
something similar at the start of your LaTeX file. Use width option of 
the \includegrahics command to get the image the right size in your 
document. I use Kile 2.0 editor and it inserts all the bounding box and 
other info correctly, which is very nice feature.

% ...


% ...

 \includegraphics[width=6.5in,bb=0 0 1656 1656]{un2-step-52.png}
 % un2-step-52.png: 4600x4600 pixel, 200dpi, 58.42x58.42 cm, bb=0 0 1656 
 \caption{AGU 2009 Presentation}

% ...

marco restelli wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I'd like to use paraview images in a latex document. So far, I can
> see two options:
> 1) Save Screeshot as pdf -> works, but I would prefer eps files
> 2) Save Screeshot in whatever format and convert it to eps -> this
> works but the quality of the eps is very bad.
> Does anybody have any suggestion? (Linux if possible, but Windows is
> also fine).
> Thank you in advance!
>    Marco
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