[Paraview] XDMF +hyperslab = segfault

Jens jens-devel at gmx.de
Fri May 28 15:08:50 EDT 2010


pv 3.8.0 segfaults if xdmf-files try to load datasets partly from
hdf5-files (using DataItem ItemType="HyperSlab").

This can be done by defining hyperslabs in the xdmf-file and is a very
nice feature if the whole grid is simply to large to fit in memory.

I attached a small example (test.xmf). If you open it in pv 3.8.0 and
select u_with_hyperslab and hit "apply" you should get a segfault.

This was no problem in 3.6.2. Can anyone try this for Windows or Mac? I
only checked Linux(x86).


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