[Paraview] ParaView 3.8.0 Available for download

Dave Partyka dave.partyka at kitware.com
Thu May 27 09:22:28 EDT 2010

Once you clone paraview with

git clone git://paraview.org/ParaView.git

then checkout the release branch with

git branch --track release origin/release

That reminds me, I need to sign the tag for the release. I'll do that now

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Michael Jackson <
mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:

> What is the git branch/tag for this release?
> ___________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
> On May 27, 2010, at 8:53 AM, Dave Partyka wrote:
>  Hello All,
>> Kitware, Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory
>> are proud to announce the release of ParaView 3.8.0. The binaries and
>> sources are available for download from the ParaView website (
>> http://www.paraview.org/paraview/resources/software.html). This release
>> includes several performance improvements, bug fixes for users, and plenty
>> of new features for plugin and application developers. We have made it
>> easier to locate cells/points in your dataset using queries. Search the
>> ParaView Wiki for "Find Data using Queries" for more information.
>> The plugin loading and management dialog was redesigned to make it easier
>> to load plugins. It's now possible to configure plugins to be auto-loaded
>> every time ParaView starts. We've added support for plotting over curves and
>> intersection lines using the filters "Plot On Sorted Lines" and "Plot On
>> Intersection Curves".
>> A couple of GPU-based rendering/visualization techniques have been
>> incorporated along with GPU-based volume rendering support for 3D image
>> volumes, which is accessible through the "Volume Mapper" option on the
>> Display tab. Support for Line Integral Convolution (LIC) is available as a
>> plugin; this support can be used for visualizing vector fields over
>> arbitrary surfaces.
>> ParaView now includes (in source form only) an interface to the University
>> of Utah's Manta interactive software ray tracing engine. The Manta plugin
>> provides a new 3D View type which uses Manta instead of OpenGL for
>> rendering. The plugin is primarily being developed for visualization of
>> large datasets on parallel machines. In single processor configuration it
>> has the benefit of allowing realistic rendering effects such as shadows,
>> translucency and reflection.
>> In terms of performance improvements, we've greatly improved the first
>> render time for datasets with large numbers of blocks. Raw image reading for
>> parallel file systems underwent a major overhaul making it fast and
>> efficient. Options were added to the Settings dialog to fine tune image
>> compression, improving interactivity when remote rendering over connections
>> with varying bandwidths.
>> After the introducing Python tracing in the previous release, we have
>> expanded the purview of tracing to include selections, lookup tables, and
>> implicit functions.
>> For climate simulation folks, this release includes support for NetCDF
>> with CF (Climate and Forecast) conventions. For cosmology researchers, the
>> Cosmo plugin has been substantially revised. The major improvement is that
>> the plugin now works in a data parallel fashion, so that it can be used with
>> higher resolution simulation results. We have reintroduced basic support for
>> CAVE rendering which was lost since the major overhaul for ParaView 3.0.
>> Several new readers have been contributed: WindBlade a reader for wind
>> turbine and fire simulation data, VPIC a reader for particle and cell
>> physics simulation data, and netcdf POP a reader for POP ocean simulation
>> data in a netcdf container format.
>> AdaptiveParaView, a new experimental application developed using the
>> ParaView application framework is also now available in source format. Like
>> StreamingParaView, AdaptiveParaView processes structured datasets in a
>> piecewise fashion, omitting pieces which are unimportant, in order to make
>> it possible to visualize datasets which do not otherwise fit in RAM.
>> AdaptiveParaView differs from prior work in that it renders pieces in a
>> multi-resolution manner, initially producing low-resolution images and then
>> progressively filling in greater detail within the viewing frustum. This
>> application still contains many experimental features and is not yet
>> documented, but we encourage users to try it out and report bugs and feature
>> requests.
>> PVBlot is a command tool for batch or interactive processing of Exodus
>> data files. It is provided as a plugin. The commands create various mesh
>> visualzations and XY plots of variable versus time, or variable versus
>> variable. The plugin adds an interactive pvblot console to the ParaView
>> Tools menu. Documentation for PVBlot is built into the tool, just type
>> 'help' or 'help '. The SierraTools plugin provides pvblot-like features but
>> exposes the functionality through toolbar buttons and dialogs in place of
>> text commands.
>> There are several other fixes including those for charting and plotting,
>> wireframes for quadratic surfaces, and for dealing with temporal ranges.
>> For developers, this release includes major changes to the core ParaView
>> libraries making it easier to create and deploy custom applications based on
>> the ParaView framework. This enables developers to create applications with
>> fundamentally different workflows than that of ParaView while still
>> leveraging ParaView's parallel processing and large data visualization
>> capabilities. Search for "Writing Custom Applications" on the ParaView Wiki
>> for details.
>> The plugin framework has undergone an overhaul as well, making it easier
>> to debug issues with loading of plugins as well as support for importing
>> plugins in static applications.
>> Starting with ParaView 3.8, we will be releasing development binaries for
>> ParaView, which will make it easier for developers to build and distribute
>> plugins that are compatible with the binaries downloaded from our website.
>> These development binaries will be available shortly.
>> As always, we rely on your feedback to make ParaView better. Please use
>> http://paraview.uservoice.com/ or click on the "Tell us what you think"
>> link on paraview.org to leave your feedback and vote for new features.
>> The ParaView Team.
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>> Powered by www.kitware.com
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