[Paraview] Couple of bugs in 3.8.0

Paul McIntosh paul.mcintosh at internetscooter.com
Thu May 27 06:26:11 EDT 2010

I have come across a couple of bugs/quirks in the official release of 3.8.0

1) When using MPI version I compiled I see the following trying to open raw

ERROR: In ..\..\..\src\Servers\Common\vtkPVDataSetAttributesInformation.cxx,
line 494
vtkPVDataSetAttributesInformation (0000000007551280): Error parsing default
attributes from message.

2) Using the precompiled binarys, with Server ParaView-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64
and Client Win64. Volumnes have the outline on all the time.

The good news is that in 3.8.0 RC2 GPU intermittant rendering wasn't working
well, in 3.8.0 it does.

I can work with 3.8.0 RC2 for now but thought I'd mention the above in case
it impacts someone else.



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