[Paraview] ParaView bugs on Mac OS 10.6.2 ??

Masako Tominaga mtominaga at whoi.edu
Fri May 21 14:16:54 EDT 2010

I and my colleagues have trouble visualizing our pvts/vtk files on Linux housed on Mac OS 10.6.2.
We can determine this is a sort of compatibility issue in ParaView on Mac OS because same input files
perfectly work with ParaView on PC. Typical phenomena in our visualization is the crash of ParaView
either at certain timesteps (time step 0, time step 8 crashes ParaView etc.) or certain fields (e.g. stress field, strain field, etc.).
Has anybody reported similar problem? What would be the solution?
We recognize that ParaView is extremely useful for us to visualize results from heavy finite-element modeling on geodynamics.
I would greatly appreciate if you can provide any advice on this.


Masako Tominaga
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Clark 241B MS22
Woods Hole, MA02543

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