[Paraview] connection id (UNCLASSIFIED)

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu May 20 14:19:22 EDT 2010

Here's a sample script:

from paraview.simple import *
pm = servermanager.vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule()


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Martin, Joel (Cont, ARL/CISD)
<joel.martin5 at us.army.mil> wrote:
> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: NONE
> I see that, but is it possible to set it _inside_ the script?  Right now, my script doesn't know what the connection id will be until after the script has started running.
> -Joel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Utkarsh Ayachit [mailto:utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 2:03 PM
> To: Martin, Joel (Cont, ARL/CISD)
> Cc: paraview at paraview.org
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] connection id (UNCLASSIFIED)
> You can specify connect-id as a command line argument to pvpython or pvbatch:
>  ./bin/pvpython --connect-id=12 /tmp/foo.py
> Utkarsh
> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Martin, Joel (Cont, ARL/CISD) <joel.martin5 at us.army.mil> wrote:
>> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
>> Caveats: NONE
>> I'm trying to connect to a server with pvpython and want to use the
>> --connect-id option.  Is it possible to set this inside my python
>> script?
>> Thanks,
>> -Joel
>> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
>> Caveats: NONE
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> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: NONE

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