[Paraview] [*] Re: Paraview crashes

rhushabh at cse.iitk.ac.in rhushabh at cse.iitk.ac.in
Wed May 19 08:56:41 EDT 2010

I installed the new version without any problems (in the prevous mail I
had problems due to previous process instances of paraview still opened)

The error still exists, Again the debugger has problems , so I could only
get the disassembly file for the problem if of any help,which is attached.

Thank You


> Hi,
> I cant install the new version now,
> The error being during instaillation:
> Error opening file for writing:
> C:\Program Files\Paraview 3.8.0-RC2\bin\XXXX
> XXXX being many files including paraview.exe,
> pqApplicationComponents.dll,etc.
> Thank You
> Rhushabh
>> Is this a prebuilt version of ParaView or something that you built?
>> Can you do a debug build and attach a debugger to it when it crashes
>> and get the stack trace? That will help us understand why it's
>> crashing.
>> Utkarsh
>> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:58 AM,  <rhushabh at cse.iitk.ac.in> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am new to this group and am working on paraview extensively from the
>>> last 1 month on  windows.
>>> I am working on images of the size 9MB .
>>> But generally when I have more than 3-4 images (with their counter or
>>> glyph mapping), paraview crashes suddenly. This is more frequent when i
>>> select and deselect different objects in pipeline browser.
>>> Computer details:
>>> Windows XP
>>> Intel Xeon CPU
>>> 5150 @ 2.66GHz
>>> 1.97 GHz 3.25GB of RAM
>>> The error reads as
>>> Paraview Application error
>>> "The instruction at "0x7c910ede" referenced memory at "0x39e93211". The
>>> memory could not be "read"."
>>> I always save the state of the files , and load it when required. Is
>>> this
>>> creating some problems with the memory allocation or no?
>>> I have to collaborate six 3Mb and six 9MB images for my final animation
>>> output, is this feasible.
>>> Please help me out , as I am stuck at this point as my paraview always
>>> crashes .
>>> Thank You in advance
>>> Rhushabh Bhandari
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