[Paraview] Minimal X Window System config

Paul McIntosh paul.mcintosh at internetscooter.com
Thu May 13 22:35:57 EDT 2010

Hi All,

Does any one have information they can share on a minimal X Window System
config (Centos 5.5 cluster nodes) for pvserver remote rendering to work?

I can install a very minimal system consisting of things like fonts,
xorg-x11-twm, glx-utils, xorg-x11-server-Xorg, xorg-x11-twm, xorg-x11-xinit,
xorg-x11-server-Xorg and xorg-x11-xauth.

If I run Specviewperf, glxgears or glxinfo the output is as expected.
However pvserver just hangs when I connect to it from a client. The weird
thing is that if I run pvserver or ParaView via VirtualGL in a TurboVNC
session it works!?

My solution at the moment works but is big bang and overkill for a cluster

yum groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME Desktop Environment"

Note I have read the following:

Setting up a ParaView Server

Step by step guide for the installation and configuration of a cluster to
run ParaView



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