[Paraview] tetgen mesh

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Thu May 13 16:43:50 EDT 2010

Hi Ken,

Sorry for the slow reply.  What I have is a reader for poly files
(vtkPolyReader*) and a GMS mesh reader which I believe has the 3dm file
extension.  Hope this helps.


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 4:29 PM, <wastrel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Andy,
> Thanks for your reply. It seems pretty similar. I can merge the outputs
> (element and node files) from Tetgen and then give a try to the plug-in you
> developed. Let me know if you are interested for sharing.
> Below is my guess on the mesh file format. Is it right?
> E4T(Element type)     1(Element Number)  4913  5569  4914  5530 (4 Nodes)
>     2(Material type)
> By the way, is it possible to read Abaqus mesh files into Paraview, or
> export mesh files in Paraview to a format which Abaqus could recognize?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ken
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>> I'm not familiar with the formats of the files you sent us.  I'm not that
>> familiar with tetgen either so it's possible that we may be talking about
>> the same software or we may not.  In any case, the tetgen output grid file
>> that I have looks like the following at the top:
>> E4T     1  4913  5569  4914  5530     2
>> E4T     2  4913  4953  4914  5569     2
>> E4T     3  4913  4952  5569  5568     2
>> E4T     4  4913  4952  4953  5569     2
>> E4T     5  4913  4912  5568  5528     2
>> The nodes are listed second and look like:
>> ND     1 1672.1247729534 1357.9324205486 -14.27143712838
>> ND     2 1580.6340102853 1340.230370113 -3.885760029157
>> ND     3 1580.6340102853 1340.230370113 -14.12243425846
>> These are the files that we are able to read.  Does this look like it's
>> from the same software?
>> Andy
>> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 2:28 PM, <wastrel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> Thanks for the reply. See the attachment for an example mesh.
>>> By the way, is it possible to read Abaqus mesh files to Paraview, or
>>> export mesh files in Paraview to a format which Abaqus could recognize?
>>> Have a good one,
>>> Ken
>>> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi Ken,
>>>> I think there may be a tetgen reader that we've developed for a
>>>> different project.  I may be able to move it to ParaView/VTK but will have
>>>> to check with the sponsor.  Could you send a small sample file so that I can
>>>> make sure that it's the same file type?
>>>> Andy
>>>> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 1:39 AM, <wastrel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Dose anyone have any experience in reading meshes (*.node *.ele *.face)
>>>>> generated with Tetgen in Paraview?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ken
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