[Paraview] Paraview and Multicore

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Thu May 13 14:39:43 EDT 2010

I am afraid I simply don't understand the question.  You said in (1) that you have three cores running at 100%.  Then in (2) you said that you only have one core running.  Is it happening when you start the client, connect the client to the server, launch the server from the client, or something else?  Is something running or is the client sitting idle waiting for the user?


On 5/13/10 8:15 AM, "Guido Staub" <gstaub at udec.cl> wrote:

Thanks Ken, but I have already read this thread, therefore I started the
client process anyway without taking care of cpu usage for now.

However my second question still keeps me busy. Isn't it possible to
use all 4 cores?


Am Thu, 13 May 2010
10:29:13 -0600 schrieb "Moreland, Kenneth" <kmorel at sandia.gov>:

> The question about why the pvserver processes are always at 100% CPU
> comes up frequently on the mailing list (such as
> http://www.paraview.org/pipermail/paraview/2008-December/010338.html).
> I've added some information to the Wiki about it to provide an
> explanation:
> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Setting_up_a_ParaView_Server#Server_processes_always_have_100.25_CPU_usage
> -Ken
> On 5/13/10 5:06 AM, "Guido Staub" <gstaub at udec.cl> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have succesfully compiled Paraview with MPI support on my
> Workstation (Quad Core). I have read that paraview runs serial,
> pvserver parallel, so I started the server by mpirun -np 4 pvserver
> and connected through X. Everything seems to work fine.
> But there are two strange behaviours I have noticed:
> 1. CPU usage on workstation is almost 100% on three of the four cores
> although no client is connected (when I type mpirun -np 3 pvserver
> there are 2 out of 4 running at 100%; with -np 2 only 1). I have
> noticed this using MPICH2 and OpenMPI.
> 2. When I now start a client process the server uses only one core
> (-np 4/3/2/1). Why?
> Does MPI not work on multicore systems as on multiprocessor systems or
> is this a Paraview issue?
> Thanks,
> Guido
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>    ****      Kenneth Moreland
>     ***      Sandia National Laboratories
> ***********
> *** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
> **  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
>     ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel

   ****      Kenneth Moreland
    ***      Sandia National Laboratories
*** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
**  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
    ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel

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