[Paraview] Paraview 3.8 RC2 makes the whole X restart

Josef Dubsky josef.dubsky at gcsc.uni-frankfurt.de
Thu May 13 06:37:19 EDT 2010

Dear all,

I have the following problem with Paraview 3.8 RC2. Actually the problem
already appeared with the version 3.7 which I built from source. However, as
it was a development version, I thought there might be still some bugs. But
the 3.8 RC2 which I've installed just today behaves the same.

So the problem is the following: After a few minutes (can really reach from
~30 seconds to ~20 minutes) of working with Paraview suddenly my whole Linux
session restarts and I have to login again. Of course by this I lose all the
opened applications (not just Paraview), which is pretty bad.

There's no real way, how to exactly reproduce the problem. I mean the time
when the crash occurs seems more or less random. But after max ~30 mins of
working with Paraview, you can be almost sure it crashes.

The only thing I can say is, that if I just leave Paraview minimized and do
something else, the crash doesn't occur. Thus it really happens only if you
actively do something in Paraview.

I'm using CentOS 5.5.

Are there any logs or error messages you could help to analyze the situation
more? I'm not sure where I could find something relevant.





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