[Paraview] node ordering mismatch when saving vtu as exodus and vice versa

Fabian, Nathan ndfabia at sandia.gov
Thu May 6 17:56:05 EDT 2010

I just tried opening the file and saved as a .e file and then opened the .e and did not notice any difference.

What version of paraview is this happening?


On 5/6/10 10:59 AM, "Scott, W Alan" <wascott at sandia.gov> wrote:

Please write this up as a bug in the ParaView bug tracker.



-----Original Message-----
From: paraview-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Hom Nath Gharti
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 1:42 AM
To: ParaView
Subject: [Paraview] node ordering mismatch when saving vtu as exodus and vice versa

I think there is a mismatch in node ordering when we want to save vtu file as exodus and vice versa for 20-noded hexahedral meshes. This is due to the different node ordering scheme for VTK and exodus for this particular element type.

e.g., if you open an attached vtu file, it is fine. If you save that as .e file and open looks different. That was due the different ordering!


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