[Paraview] arguments

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu May 6 09:32:56 EDT 2010

You can use the --script option.

  --script=opt          Set a python script to be evaluated on startup.

> ./paraview --script=/tmp/foo.py


2010/5/6 Jérôme Plumecoq <jerome.plumecoq at c-s.fr>:
> Hi !
> I'm new two ParaView and I have one question :
> I would like to launch a script shell directly from a button (whitout
> opening the script shell). So I have implemented a plugin which adds a new
> menu (*), and hence I can launch a python script using pqPythonManager and
> runScript() from pqPythonDialog.
> But I would like to launch a script with command line options.
> do you know if it is possible ? And if it is, how to do this ?
> I use version 3.8.0-RC1 of ParaView.
> thanks !
> Jérôme
> (*) my goal is to add a new GUI where the user can enter some informations,
> and launching a python script using these informations.
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