[Paraview] Add values from 2 files and number of points in a Slice

Jérôme jerome.velut at gmail.com
Thu May 6 01:55:08 EDT 2010


If you have two files "file1" and "file2" with scalars respectively named
"potential1" and "potential2" and you set file1and file2 as inputs of a
"Append Attributes" filter, you will have one data set with two attributes named
"potential1" and "potential2".

If you plug the calculator to the "Append Attributes" filter, you just have to
type the following function: "potential1+potential2"

The output of the calculator will have one scalar, default name being "Result",
containing the addition of the two input scalar.


2010/5/5 Nuno Loureiro <nunoloureir at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> Thank you for your answer.
> I have tried that, but I don't really know how to use the calculator for
> this case. I can perform simple operations but I don't know how to combine
> the two files. Is there any tutorial regarding the calculator?
> I will try to search a bit how resampling works and I'll tell if I find a
> way of doing it.
> Thanks again
> Nuno
> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 1:44 PM, Jérôme <jerome.velut at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2010/5/5 |Phi> <phiket at gmail.com>:
>> > Hi everyone,
>> >
>> > I am trying to add scalar values from two different .vtk files with the
>> > same
>> > geometry: I have two files giving me the potential in each node and I
>> > would
>> > like to add these potentials. I was trying to use the calculator, but I
>> > can
>> > just manage to treat each file at a time. Any ideas?
>> >
>> The calculator should work if you previously append the two dataset with
>> Append Attributes.
>> > Another thing I was wondering if it could be done is increasing the
>> > number
>> > of points in the spreadsheet View when we make a Slice. I am trying to
>> > get
>> > some points on a circle and so I perform two slices of my volume: first
>> > a
>> > spherical slice and then a planar slice, but when I try to see it in the
>> > Spreadsheet View (so that I can export the points) only get 50 points.
>> > This
>> > is not enough for a plot I pretend to do and so I would like to increase
>> > the
>> > resolution. For example having a sphere with with more points when I do
>> > the
>> > slice.
>> >
>> From what you described, I imagine that your final circle is an
>> Unstructured
>> Grid. I don't know resampling filters for such data in VTK/ParaView.
>> One solution could be to resample your input volume, and then perform the
>> sphere/plane slicing.
>> Take a look at VTK's vtkImageResample and how to enable a native VTK
>> filter
>> in ParaView: if you get it working, please tell me! I had a weird bounded
>> extent
>> when performing oversampling.
>> (see http://www.paraview.org/pipermail/paraview/2009-March/011334.html)
>> Jerome
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > best regards,
>> > Nuno
>> >
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