[Paraview] exodusII transient simulation

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Wed Mar 24 12:50:56 EDT 2010


Sorry for the delay in responding.  I have been out of the office for a while.

What Sam says is mostly correct.  In general, the Exodus reader assumes that numbered files are partitions in space and that all the files hold all the time steps for that partition.  However, we have run into exceptions, like the one you find yourself in, in which you also need to specify a time series of files.  The most common reasons are a restarted simulation writing to a new set of files or the topology of the mesh changing (which is your case).  The instructions for specifying temporal Exodus sequences are documented on this Wiki page, which I have just updated for new features that will be available in version 3.8.



On 3/15/10 6:48 PM, "Samuel Key" <samuelkey at bresnan.net> wrote:


This will not answer your How-To question, but may help you structuring your Exodus output.

Unless I am mistaken, the serial indexes on an Exodus file-set refer to spatial domains, that is, separate portions of an analysis from a parallel execution. In addition, part of the datum sets are index arrays that tell the Exodus reader how to piece (or knit) the individual domains back together.

Each Exodus file contains all of its time steps, that is, if each of your files contains one time step, then the Exodus reader considers the simulation to be a "static" analysis.

Someone intimately familiar with the PV Exodus reader may know how to structure your Exodus datum sets so that the reader skips over gracefully "piecing the domains together," and observes the time-step indexes and values to produce the animation which you are expecting.


Sam Key

Nestor M. Solalinde wrote:
Hi, I'm having trouble visualizing a transient simulation with exodusII files. If I open each file one at the time everything works fine, but i cant run a simulation w all the files, with the corresponding time steps. Files are named out.ex2.010, out.ex2.011, out.ex2.012 and so on. I'm loading the files w the following configuration:
File prefix: PATH/out.ex2.0
File pattern: %s%i
First file index: 10
Last file index: 50

I think it's worth mentioning that each file has a different mesh of same physical dimensions (i.e. refined mesh). Also the time information in the object inspector reads:
Index   Value
0             0
...           ...
8             0
9           0.25 (just the last index have value!=0, that value correspond to the 1st time step of the first file out.ex2.010)

Why isn't working? I'll appreciate any suggestion. Thanks a lot,

Nestor Solalinde


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   ****      Kenneth Moreland
    ***      Sandia National Laboratories
*** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
**  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
    ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel

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