[Paraview] ParaViewFilters.html missing?

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Mon Mar 22 12:25:59 EDT 2010

I think there may be an issue with the installation rule, at least on  
OS X. I do a "make install" and the documentation does not seem to get  
copied/registered/whatever. I tried turning on the  
PARAVIEW_INSTALL_DEVELOPMENT to see if that helped but didn't seem to.  
Mike Jackson <www.bluequartz.net>

On Mar 8, 2010, at 9:44 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:

> BUILD_DOCUMENTATION refers to  the doxygen documentation for the C++
> classes etc., and never referred to  the help in ParaView.
> Utkarsh
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Eric E. Monson <emonson at cs.duke.edu>  
> wrote:
>> Okay, so in the past it only got generated when BUILD_DOCUMENTATION  
>> was ON, or was there some other process?
>> Thanks for the quick fix,
>> -Eric
>> On Mar 8, 2010, at 9:35 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>>> Eric,
>>> I've committed a fix to CVS. Added is a new advanced CMake variable
>>> GENERATE_FILTERS_DOCUMENTATION which ensures that the documentation
>>> for sources/readers etc. is built. It's off by default, since
>>> many-a-times esp. on windows, running the documentation building
>>> executable fails due to incomplete PATH etc. which can be very
>>> annoying.
>>> /cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Documentation/CMakeLists.txt,v  <--
>>> Documentation/CMakeLists.txt
>>> new revision: 1.25; previous revision: 1.24
>>> Utkarsh
>>> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Eric E. Monson  
>>> <emonson at cs.duke.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hey all,
>>>> In CVS the Documentation/ParaViewFilters.html file is missing,  
>>>> along with all of the individual filters docs. Is this something  
>>>> that gets auto-generated when you turn on BUILD_DOCUMENTATION, or  
>>>> has it really been misplaced? (I usually have doc gen turned off).
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Eric
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Eric E Monson
>>>> Duke Visualization Technology Group
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